Business philosophy

Picture Name

Sumitomo Forestry Group's Code of Ethics

Purpose and scope of application

Sumitomo Forestry (Dalian) Trading Co., Ltd

Based on its Corporate Philosophy and Our Value, the Sumitomo Forestry Group shall manage its operations, including the supply chain, in accordance with this Code of Conduct.

Fair and transparent corporate activities

Sumitomo Forestry (Dalian) Trading Co., Ltd

1. Strict adherence to laws and regulations

We shall adhere to all domestic and overseas laws and company regulations and respect international norms of behavior.

2.Prevention of corruption

We shall have absolutely no involvement in corrupt practices, including bribery, embezzlement and money laundering.

3.Fair business transactions

We shall pursue fair business transactions and refrain from any involvement in cartels, bid rigging or other such activities.

4.Fair accounting procedures

We shall conduct fair accounting and tax practices based on accurate records.

5.Communication with stakeholders

In consideration of the interests of our shareholders and other stakeholders, we shall disclose necessary information in a timely and fair manner and promote dialogue.

6.Maintaining confidentiality

We shall ensure the protection of confidential information, both our own and that of third parties.

7.Information Security

We shall install appropriate information security measures to prevent information leaks and other breaches.

8.Relationships with companies we do business with

We shall build and maintain constructive relationships with the parties we do business with and refrain from inappropriate behaviors, such as the abuse of power.

9.Protection of intellectual property rights

In addition to protecting our own Company's intellectual property rights, we shall not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.

10.Protection of Personal Information

We shall appropriately manage personal information, use it only for authorized purposes and prevent leaks.

11.Responsible advertising/promotional efforts

We shall engage in accurate and appropriate advertising and promotional efforts that do not cause misunderstanding or offense.

12.Healthy relationships with the government

We shall maintain a healthy and transparent relationship with the government that is in conformance with all laws.

13.Stance on organized crime

We shall have absolutely no involvement in organized crime.

14.Establishment of a whistleblowing mechanism

We shall establish a mechanism for people to report any suspicions of breaches to any laws or this Code of Conduct. By allowing reports to be made anonymously and strictly prohibiting retaliation against informants and other measures, we will actively promote its use.

Ethical conduct

Sumitomo Forestry (Dalian) Trading Co., Ltd

15.Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

We shall make a clear distinction between professional and personal matters and refrain from activities that may constitute a conflict of interest with the company.

16.Prohibition of misappropriation of company assets

We shall not use company funds or assets for personal purposes.

17.Prohibition of Insider Trading

We shall take no part in insider trading, including being complicit with others.

18.Appropriate gift giving and entertainment

We shall neither accept nor offer gifts or entertainment that would be considered inappropriate according to socially accepted norms.

19.Prohibition of political or religious activities

During work hours, we shall not recruit or otherwise promote political, religious or other activities based on personal ideology.

A respectful, healthy workplace

Sumitomo Forestry (Dalian) Trading Co., Ltd

20.Respect for human rights

According to internationally accepted human rights norms, we shall respect the human rights of all individuals, including women, children, indigenous people, minorities and vulnerable people.

21.Prohibition of discrimination and the promotion of diversity

We shall not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or other. In addition, we shall work to secure and promote diversity.

22.Prohibition of forced labor and child labor

We shall not tolerate forced labor or child labor in any form.

23.Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights

In accordance with laws, we shall secure workers' rights for freedom of association and collective bargaining.

24.Appropriate working hours and wages

In accordance with laws, we shall ensure that working hours and wages are appropriate.

25.Work/life balance

We shall secure the appropriate balance between work and individual commitments, such as caring for children and the elderly.

26.Occupational Health and Safety

We shall strive to maintain a safe and healthy work environment. In addition, we shall implement regular educational and training programs to prepare for disasters, accidents and other.

27.Human resources development

We shall strive to nurture human resources by providing skill enhancement opportunities, such as training seminars.

28.Prohibition of Harassment

We shall not commit or tolerate acts of sexual harassment, power harassment, inhumane punishment or other.

29.Protection of Privacy

We shall respect and protect the individual's right to privacy.

Business activities that respect society and the environment

Sumitomo Forestry (Dalian) Trading Co., Ltd

30.Customer satisfaction and safety

We shall secure the safety and security of our customers and at the same time, sincerely engage with them and work to improve quality and customer satisfaction.

31.Co-existence with the environment

We shall strive to reduce the environmental impact of our products and services throughout their entire lifecycle, prevent global warming, recycle resources, prevent pollution and maintain biodiversity.

32.Contribution to local communities

We shall respect the local region's culture and customs and through dialogue, shall seek to contribute to their sustainable development.